Beautiful pics of Estella Warren and Vera Farmiga feet & legs

Estella Warren is a synchronized swimmer from the age seven to the time she reached 17. Her departure from her home at the age of 12 to compete for the Canadian National Team. Three years ago, she was awarded the title of Canadian National Champion. She took part in the World Aquatic Championships and placed at the second place. The talent scout, who was at a fashion show for charity at the New York City high school that she took part in and was so impressed by her performance that he mailed an Polaroid to an New York City model agency. She was signed to a modeling contract within a few days, and then went on to appear on Sports Illustrated (which she was included in), "Vogue", as well as "Vanity Fair" and two Chanel #5 TV commercials, both produced by Luc Besson. She relocated into Los Angeles in order to pursue a career as an actor. Following her wedding to musician Renn Swan Hawkey, in 2008, they had two children with each other, Fynn and Gytta. The couple has two children, Fynn McCollough (b. 2010). Farmiga and her family live at Hudson Valley, New York. Renn was introduced by Allen Hughes to Farmiga on the Touching Evil film set. Farmiga became pregnant five months prior to their wedding. Vera Farmiga Net Worth: How Much Is She Worth? Vera Farmiga has an estimated net worth of ten million dollars. The actress is American actress, director, and producer.

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